
The Peony Pavilion - A Walk in the Garden

The Peony Pavilion - A Walk in the Garden

The Chinese Kunqu musical / opera A Walk in the Garden is an excerpt of the 20-hour long play The Peony Pavilion, which was produced by the Lincoln Center Festival, New York, and the Festival d'Automne à Paris, the Sydney Festival and the Hong Kong Arts Festival. The 16 year-old young lady Du Li-niang, raised by her strict parents, is forbidden to leave her boudoir without permission. One day, she goes to the backyard garden while her strict father is out, accompanied by her maid, Chun Xiang (Spring Fragrance).



        每個人都有他自己對事物的看法。一個明顯的例子:桌子上放了半瓶水,有人會說:「幸好還有半瓶水解渴。」於是很高興地把水喝掉。也有人會說:「只得半瓶水,怎能夠解渴?」 於是一邊抱怨一邊把水喝掉。他可能還猜想誰人把半瓶水喝掉,是否有心難為他? 前者是所謂正面思維(Think positive)。後者是所謂負面思維(Think negative)。但世事是否就像以上的例子般簡單,容易判斷呢? 當然不是,世事大多數都是錯綜複雜、模稜兩可的。


The Peony Pavilion - A Walk in the Garden with English subtitles

The Peony Pavilion - A Walk in the Garden with English subtitles

The Peony Pavilion is a long play revolves round the love story of a young scholar Liu Meng-mei (Willow Dreaming Plum), and a cloistered girl Du Li-niang (Beautiful Du), the daughter of a high official in Nanan, ancient China.
A Walk in the Garden is an excerpt of the long play. The 16 year-old young lady Du Li-niang, raised by her strict parents, is forbidden to leave her boudoir without permission. One day, she goes to the backyard garden while her strict father is out, accompanied by her maid, Chun Xiang (Spring Fragrance). She is sentimental on the scene that the spring flowers are in full bloom. Du Li-niang feels the mysterious beauty and joys of the spring, and longing of nature life and love.


崑曲《牡丹亭 ● 遊園》沈豐英

《牡丹亭 ‧ 遊園》(中大博群花節)﹝字幕版﹞

《牡丹亭 ‧ 遊園》是明代傳奇《牡丹亭》第十齣<驚夢>的折子戲。傳奇是明人對南曲戲文的專稱,和唐、宋人專用以指短篇小說不同。《牡丹亭》又名《還魂記》,全稱《牡丹亭還魂記》,是明代劇作家湯顯祖的代表作。寫南安太守女兒杜麗娘與書生柳夢梅的愛情故事。主角杜麗娘為情而死,後來又為情所感而還魂復生。全劇構思奇幻,想像豐富。


崑曲《牡丹亭 ● 遊園》英文字幕

Here we are at the garden gate.
Please go in, young mistress.
Now we are inside the garden,
Look at the gallery, half of its gilding peeled off.
小姐 這是金魚池
Young mistress, this is a goldfish pond.